Study of the Impact of eTwinning
EfC has been has b
een commissioned for a 21 month study of the impact of eTwinning on pupils, teachers and schools. The study will also be an analysis of the factors which contribute to, or hinder, successful participation in eTwinning.
eTwinning Partnerships is an activity under the Comenius sub-programme of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme. It was launched in 2005 with the objective of enabling school twinning as an opportunity for all young people to learn and practice information and communication technology (ICT) skills, as well as promoting awareness of the multicultural European model of society. The European Commission foresaw that eTwinning could be a major catalyst in intensifying the sorts of cooperation already underway among schools. Since the launch of the new platform in 2008-09 visits to the eTwinning portal have increased by over 300%, indicating a steep rise in interest among teachers. Registration continues to rise, and there are currently almost 100,000 registered eTwinners in 73500 schools.
The impact study will look at participation in eTwinning and what hinders or helps it success, specifically:
• the networking of schools and teachers across Europe and their capacity to build social capital, and the way in which eTwinning is managed and promoted
• the perspective of participating teachers
• the impact of eTwinning on pupils, teachers and others at school level
• the overall impact of eTwinning within the context of the Comenius Programme