viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010


            I wish you that 2011 be a window into HAPPINESS!!!
           Enjoy friends like me, be happy, works moderately and book a time for yourself.

martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010


Dear eTwinner,

Therefore we would like to ask you whether you would know other eTwinners who might be willing to participate in our study. We especially need those eTwinners that are not so well connected in eTwinning yet. We would be very grateful if you could forward this e-mail to fellow eTwinners you know and fit this description.





Thank you in advance,

Sibren Fetter
Open University the Netherlands

domingo, 12 de diciembre de 2010



      Simon Pegg and the Big Train comedy sketch team perform a funny short on life of an English speaking tourist in France...

viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010


Text messaging. What shorthand do your students use? Do they use English? Ask them to do this quiz and add three of their own SMS speaks.

1) C U L8R M8a) As far as I know.
2) B4b) Love you with all my heart
3) AFAIK c) Boring
4) W8 4 ME, I’M L8, SOZd) Text me back
5) KITe) Have a nice day
6) RUOK?f) See you later mate
7) LUWAMHg) Keep in touch
8) HANDh) Easy
9) Zzzzzzzzzi) Are you okay?
10) KOTLj) Wait for me, I’m late, sorry
11) TMBk) See you tonight or tomorrow
12) 0 MEl) By the way
13) EZm) Before
14) BTWn) Ring me
15) C U 2NITE O 2MOROo) Kiss on the lips

Your own SMS speak:

1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________

Mobiles out!
Get them to text each other in class. They are not allowed to use real English words. Can other students translate the message into “correct” English?

Answers to quiz: 1 – f, 2 – m, 3 – a, 4 – j, 5 – g, 6 – i, 7 – b, 8 – e, 9 – c, 10 – o, 11 – d, 12 – n, 13 – h, 14 – l, 15 – k

viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010


1. “Shut up!” or even “Be quiet!” The first is rude; the second illogical. Students should be making a noise if they are engaged in pair or group work.
2. “Get out!” Some teachers use the “sin bin” approach to misbehaviour. If a student is so penalized, he (and it is usually a he) is given the attention of the class as he leaves (something he probably wanted), which distracts from the task the rest of the class is working on. What happens if the student refuses to leave?
3. “That’s wrong!” If you ask a question and the student’s reply is wrong, give them the chance to self correct or ask another student to provide the correct answer. Then go back to the original student to give the correct answer. If peer correction doesn’t work, provide the answer yourself, then invite the student to repeat. What’s important is that the student succeeds.
4. “Why didn’t you do your homework, John?” This embarrasses John. He either has to lie or tell a truth which will diminish him. If a student hasn’t done their homework, talk to them about it in the break.
5. “Do you understand?” Students will usually say yes even if they don’t. Better to get them to do something to show you they understand.
6. “If you do that again, I’ll….” Do what? Don’t make threats you won’t keep.
7. “You at the back!” Learn and use students’ names.
8. “Talk about it.” Specify who should talk to whom. In a discussion, task based activities often work better than topic based ones. Give a time limit and have an outcome.
9. “Don’t be silly!” Respect please.
10. “What do you call this?” Teacher holds up a one line composition from a student. The student is embarrassed.

viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2010


      Now we are working hard, practicing some tools with our students and making them known to our partners.  It opens up a world of possibilities and many things to explore. For example, what do you think the chances of Google?

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010


And now, ... three weeks to put into practice what we have learned. We will work with our students and also have fun with Voki, Animoto, Smilebox, ...
Thanks teachers, Indigo Group and all colleagues of this course.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010


We are learning many things to be handled well in an eTwinning project.

We have a large bank of resources which can be really interesting to share and teach our students.

It's great

jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010


The Exploiting Web 2.0 began with very good video to go on. I hope we can all learn a lot. Do we go crazy? No, but almost. I wish you a good and profitable course.