martes, 4 de enero de 2011


      Our idea, was to make a two-year project. The first year would be only between teachers who agree and want to increase their emotional intelligence. For us, emotional intelligence consists of two types of intelligence, intrapersonal and interpersonal. Intrapersonal: what we think of ourselves and how we affect our emotions and feelings, how we react to interactions with others when they are emotionally positive and negative. The question is: is this a universal phenomenon? Do other teachers in other countries, think it is important to their daily work with students? Can we improve this intelligence?

      This intelligence would also connected to our own self. That is, is it true that react according to the behavior of others toward us? If the answer is yes, this means it is easy to lose control before our students shared situations that arise in the classroom, especially those behaviors that disrupt the normal development of a class. We can react badly, for example, angry or manage this type of adverse events without our influence on mood, I mean, without losing your sense of humor.

      We have the experience that the students themselves do not behave the same way with a teacher than another and that is closely related to the attitude of individual teachers. Does this have to do with emotional intelligence? What do you think?

      On the other hand, a second year or second project could be about how we can increase the emotional intelligence of our students. Teach them to have greater control over their emotions and, above all, about their reactions to the feelings and emotions that cause the behavior of others towards them.

      Many times, we are not masters of our emotions, but we should be masters of our reactions. This would be a sign of maturity and it is important that we help our students to mature.

      These are our preliminary ideas. We would like to share with you and to take forward a project. We are willing to share your own ideas and reach agreement on how to make a common project.

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